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History of the Cemetery

The Rush Pine Hill Cemetery Association was formed in April of 1863. The oldest section of the Cemetery was initially the Jeffords family burial grounds and in 1863 three acres of land was purchased from Cynthia P. Martin and Nathan Jeffords to become the Rush Cemetery Association. Two hundred evergreen trees were donated by Ellwanger and Barry Nurseries in 1865. In maps dated 1872, the Cemetery is identified as Pine Grove Cemetery. Today, the Cemetery is known as Rush Pine Hill Cemetery.

The Rush Pine Hill Cemetery Association is very grateful the following records have survived the years and are happy to share this historical resource with interested parties, including current and former residents of Rush and those involved in genealogy research.

There are many more pages yet to be transcribed. As these pages date back more than 140 years, the writing is often hard to read and the pages very fragile, so it is a time consuming process. It is anticipated that other historical documents will be scanned and made accessible online, too. Check back often and hopefully there will be more for you to read in the near future!\

Note: Pages will be transcribed as close to the original as possible. Spellings, language usage and grammar will be transcribed as was recorded in the original document(s). Where words are not legible and cannot readily be discerned, a blank space will be inserted
The following is the link to transcription of minutes from the first meetings held to form the Rush Cemetery in 1863:
Transcription of the original minutes