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Transcription of the original minutes

Rush Cemetery Association
Records of Secretary

Organisation of the Rush Cemetery Association

A meeting was held pursuant to public notice as required by the Statute at the Baptist Church in the village of East Rush on Thursday the 30th day of April 1863 at 2 p.m. for the purpose of organising an association under the Statue of this State. The following persons were present at the meeting: Socrates Smith, Warren Foot, Mark H. Martin, Nathan Dausby, Benjamin O. Weaver, Henry S. Fellows, John Provost and Thomas J. Jeffords.

The meeting was duly organised by the appointment of Thomas J. Jeffords, Chairman and Benjamin G. Weaver, Secretary.

The following Resolution was adopted. Reached that we now provide by ballot to elect six trustee for the Association. Thereafter the following named trustees by a majority of all the votes, were declared duly elected. Warren Foote, Thomas J. Jeffords,
Socrates Smith, Peter Martin,
John Lyday, Matthew C. Martin
Immediately after the election of the foregoing Trustees. They were classified by the Chairman and clerk as follows----
Warren Foote and Peter Martin for 3 years
Matthew C. Martin and John Lyday for 2 years
Socrates Smith and Thomas J. Jeffords for 1 year

On motion it was resolved that the over all meeting for the election of trustees be held on the first Saturday of May in each year.
The meeting on motion adjournment to meet at the Mill office on Saturday next and the Trustees were appointed a committee to locate the ground of the Association and report at the meeting.
Thomas Jeffords
The Trustees met at the time and place aforementioned and made a report after which it was resolved that the meeting now record by ballot to elect permanent officers of the Association wherefrom
Warren Foote was elected President
Peter Martin Vice President
Thomas J. Jeffords Secretary
Socrates Smith Treasurer
after which the meeting on motion to adjournment to meet again on Saturday evening, the 9th at 6 o\'clock for the transaction of further business.
Thomas Jeffords

May 9th 1863 the meeting met at the Mill Office and reported that they had purchased a piece of land of Cynthia P. Martin at the price of $125.00 per acre. The land was surveyed by C. Benjamin and found to contain three acres.
The certificate of the Association was duly made acknowledged and filed in the Clerk\'s Office of the County of Monroe on the first day of May 1863.
A deed of the purchase was duly executed to the Trustees on the 18th day of May 1863 by Cynthia P. Martin and also a deed from Nathan Jeffords for 16 Roch of Land on the same day. The total consideration paid for the land was $375.00.

The _____ ______________deeds were recorded in the Clerk\'s Office on the 22nd of May 1863 in Liber 178 at Pages 95 and 96.
The ground of the Association was graded and laid out into lots and s notice given of the sale of lots at public auction on the 22nd day of August 1863 at 2 pm.
Thomas J. Jeffords
At a meeting of the Trustees held on the 21st just, the seal stamped on this paper was adopted as the common seal of the Association and is to be used for all purposes of said association whenever a deal is necessary.
Thomas J. Jeffords,

Rush, April 18th, 1864. I have this day given notice of the time and place of holding the annual meeting of the Association by posting motion thereof in 5 public places in Town and also by notice given from the M.E. Church from the pulpit.
Thomas J. Jeffords,

Rush, May 9th, 1864
Pursuant to the foregoing notice, the Trustees and lot holders of the Association met at the Baptist Church in the Village of East Rushand was duly organized the President Warren Foote in the Chair and Thomas Jeffords present as Secretary.
The meeting was organized and recorded to business the Secretary read the By Laws of the Association which were considered each separately and were adopted as the By Laws of said Association.
The meeting then recorded by ballot to elect a Trustee in place of Matthew C. Martin whose refusal to serve had left a vacancy in the no. of Trustees. On counting the votes, George Lyday by a majority of all the ballots was declared duly elected to serve for one year. The meeting then proceeded to elect two trustees for 3 years in places of Socrates Smith and Thomas J. Jeffords whose terms had expired. On motion it was resolved to elect one trustee at a time. On counting the ballots, Thomas Jeffords by a majority of all the votes was duly elected on the second ballot Socrates Smith was also duly elected. Both for 3 years.
The meeting then on motion proceeded to elect President and Vice President by ballot. Whereupon Warren Foote was duly elected President and Peter Martin Vice President.
Socrates Smith then made a report of the financial condition of the Association which on motion accepted and adopted.
After the completion of other business, the meeting on motion adjourned to the first Saturday in May 1865 to meet at the Baptist Church in Rush at 2 pm.
Thomas J. Jeffords,

The Trustees and lot owners met at the Cemetery grounds immediately after the adjournment for the purpose of examining the grounds with a view to change the width of the main alley running East and West and having examined the same, it was moved and seconded that the Main Alley be made eleven feet wide. An amendment was offered and adopted to make it ten feed wide. It was then ordered that said Main Alley running East to West from the central gate be graded ten feet wide. That the line of the lots on the width of the Alley be removed two feet to the South and than alley eight feet wide be made and graded from the west fence to the Main Alley running North and South and that 10 feet of the first line of lots on the South side of the ground be taken for a roadway and that John Lyday and Peter Martin be a Committee to obtain a written consent of the persons interested in such change. All of which was adopted by the voters present.
Thomas J. Jeffords

Rush, May 9.
The Trustees directed that the evergreen trees donated to the Town by A. Preston and Ellwanger and Barry , about two hundred in number be let out on the ground so the Association for the purpose of ornamenting the Carriage Way and the lot of said Association.
The Trustees also met at the Cemetery and ________two lots on the South East corner of the grounds as a place for the burial of strangers and the same day Susan Palmer aged seventeen years who had no relatives in Town was buried on the North West corner of Lot No 2, Section B.
Thomas J. Jeffords,
Rush, April 22, 1865
I have this day posted notices as required by law of which the following is a copy.
The annual meeting of the Rush Cemetery Association will be held at the Baptist Church in the Village of East Rush on Saturday the 6 day of May next at 2 pm for the purpose of electing two Trustees in place of Peter Martin and George Lyday whose terms of office will expire on that day and also for the ______action of other business that may come fore the meeting.
Thomas J. Jeffords,

Rush, May 6 1865
In pursuance of the foregoing motion the annual meeting of the Rush Cemetery Association convened at the Baptist Church and was duly organized by the President taking the chair and the Secretary being also present at the meeting.
Socrates Smith the Treasurer made his annual report to the meeting stating the amount of money on hand , also the indebtedness of the Association which report on motion was adopted.
On motion it was resolved to proceed by ballot to elect a trustee for 3 years in place of Peter Martin whose term of office has expired. On counting the ballots, John B. Martin by a majority of all the votes was declared elected. The meeting then balloted for a trustee in place of George Lyday and the said George Lyday was duly re-elected.
Warren Foote was elected President. Socrates Smith Vice President, John B. Martin Treasurer and Thomas J. Jeffords Secretary. On motion a Committee of 3 sonsisting of Socates Smith, Andrw Lyday and John B. Martin was appointed to examine the Report of the Treasurer who reported that they had examined the same and found it consist .
On motion a Committee consisting of Warren Foote, Thomas J. Jeffords and Peter Martin was appointed an auditing committee to whom should be submitted all claims for audit. On motion of C.M. Hammond, David Lyday was appointed to repair the Grounds after Association. The Meeting then on motion then adjourned to meet at the Baptist Church in the Village of East Rush on the first Tuesday in May 1866 at 2 pm.
Thomas J. Jeffords,

Transcribed from original document: May 12, 2008 by Susan A. Mee