Michael Moskowitz, Troop 334, has joined the ranks of more than 40 boys before him in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout from his Rush troop. Michael, the son of Anne and Frank Moskowitz, of West Henrietta, chose to do his Eagle Scout project in the Rush Pine Hill Cemetery.
The Pine Hill Cemetery is located on Rush Scottsville Road in Rush and began as the Jeffords' family cemetery, one of the founding families of Rush. In 1863, town members formed a Cemetery Association, purchased the adjoining land, and opened the cemetery to the public. Originally named Pine Grove Cemetery, this local cemetery, still active today, is the final resting place to military veterans dating back to the Revolutionary War.
Michael's project involved significant work, both of time and labor, in clearing brush and reclaiming an old section of the cemetery, adjacent to the Jefford's Family Burial Ground, that had become overgrown over many years' time. In mid-June, Michael gathered a group of nearly 20 people, consisting of fellow scouts, troop leaders, and parents, to assist with his project of clearing an area approximately 250 yards in length and 20 feet deep. In the process of clearing this area of the overgrowth, the Scouts uncovered several monuments that had been grown over and lost to time. All of the headstones recovered dated to the mid-1800's. The scouts also trimmed back some of the overhanging tree limbs to allow for more natural light into this area of the cemetery. After the extensive clean up and removal of brush from the area, Michael and his team proceeded to generously seed the area . This is especially important as the cemetery will now be able to maintain the area and preserve the gravesites which the scouts worked so diligently to restore.
The Rush Pine Hill Cemetery Association is extremely grateful to Michael for his efforts and appreciates that he chose this restoration project in the Cemetery for his Eagle Scout project. His project, the leadership and labor involved, will help preserve the history and heritage of the Cemetery.