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Raymond Sluberski Eagle Project: Grave Rubbings and Cemetery Clean Up

Raymond Sluberski, of Rush, recently completed his Boy Scout Eagle Scout project by doing a mutli-faceted project for the Rush Pine Hill Cemtery. Ray, of Troop 7, coordinated and led an intensive clean up project that resulted in reclaiming cemetery ground that had become quite overgrown. The area cleared back ran parallel to the road along the western property edge of the cemetery. Ray and his troop cleared, cut, and removed all matter of brush, tree limbs, undergrowth and vegetation to expand the road and lawn area.

In addition to the brush clean up effort, Ray also initiated a project to capture the inscriptions from cemetery monuments that were no longer legible. Ray experimented with a variety of methods and techniques trying to achieve the best results when he began the grave rubbing portion of his project. The original area of the Rush Pine Hill Cemetery began as the Jefferds Family burial ground with burials dating back to the early 1800's. Many of those headstones have become illegible over time. Ray's work has helped not only restore some of that information but will now enable it to be preserved for future generations of historians and genealogy researchers.

Ray is the son of David and Lisa Sluberski and is a senior at Rush Henrietta High School. Ray plans to join the US Marine Corp in September of 2012. The Rush Pine Hill Cemetery is very grateful and appreciative of Ray's efforts on behalf of his community.

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